

总理杜鲁多4月25日在国会答问时段在回应保守党议员Ted Falk 提问有关难民跨境问题时,杜鲁多作出以下回答:“议长先生,我除了在今天回答了这个问题,我在过去数月已经作过多次回覆。在官方边境通道之间跨越边界是非法的。反方议员就难民及寻求庇护者的权利和加拿大对国际社会的承担似乎有意见。若果有人因为逃避迫害、战争或暴行而寻求庇护,我们必须就要求作出分析。对于难民我们是国际公约的成员所以我们要承担责任。”








As stated in Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) Section 133:
“A person who has claimed refugee protection, and who came to Canada directly or indirectly from the country in respect of which the claim is made, may not be charged with an offence under section 122, paragraph 124(1)(a) or section 127 of this Act or under section 57, paragraph 340(c) or section 354, 366, 368, 374 or 403 of the Criminal Code, in relation to the coming into Canada of the person, pending disposition of their claim for refugee protection or if refugee protection is conferred.”


Canada is the signatory of the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol and that includes adhering to Article 31:
1.        The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees, who, coming directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened in the sense of Article 1, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.
2.       The Contracting States shall not apply to the movements of such refugees restrictions other than those which are necessary and such restrictions shall only be applied until their status in the country is regularized or they obtain admission into another country. The Contracting States shall allow such refugees a reasonable period and all the necessary facilities to obtain admission into another country.

关慧贞 温哥华东区国会议员